Nordic Coastal Cleanup: A Collaborative Effort for a Cleaner Planet 

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Coastal Cleanup

Samlink and Kyndryl Finland recently organized the Nordic Coastal Cleanup, gathering over 50 volunteer participants. The event highlighted the commitment to environmental sustainability and community engagement. 

Creating value is deeply embedded in our DNA at Samlink. This extends beyond our business practices to our corporate responsibility initiatives, where we work collaboratively to create positive impacts. 

The Nordic Coastal Cleanup event, organized in collaboration with Samlink and Kyndryl Finland, saw over 50 employees gather at the beaches of Haukilahti in Espoo and Lutakko in Jyväskylä to clean up litter and contribute to a healthier environment. The day was marked by sunny weather fostering a spirit of teamwork. 

Employee participation was driven by a genuine desire to make a difference for the environment. 

– We are now doing something genuinely good. I appreciate that we are taking real action and not just keeping these values on paper, remarked Olli Itkonen.  

This sentiment was echoed by many.  

– With this initiative, we are part of a global community, Taina Vartiainen from Kyndryl Finland noted.  

The Impact of Our Efforts

Participants collected a wide array of trash, and even larger items such as an electric scooter were also removed. The cleanup was not only an environmental success but also provided a refreshing change from the usual office routine.  

– It’s a super nice opportunity, Susanne Salo shared.  

The initiative is a testament to Samlink’s dedication to corporate social responsibility. Such events not only contribute to environmental sustainability but also enhance employee satisfaction and pride in their workplace.  

– I was eager to participate because we were working towards an important cause, and I think it’s fantastic that the company supports responsible actions, stated Minna Myyryläinen, one of our dedicated employees.  

The enthusiasm and positive feedback from participants suggest a strong desire for more such events in the future. Comments like “Great initiative, and I’d join more often,” and “Hopefully, this becomes a tradition,” reflect the success and potential longevity of our environmental efforts. 

As we look forward, we aim to continue making a real difference, demonstrating that collective action can lead to meaningful change.