Customer Experience Defines the Future Winners

Creating an exceptional customer experience has become a necessity to maintain a competitive advantage. When customers engage with an organization, they don’t just compare it to its competitors, but also to all other interactions they’ve had with any other organization.
Digitalization enables the comparison of services and products on an international scale. If there are no significant differences in offerings, other factors come into play. Trust, mutual respect, and appreciation can outweigh the appeal of the lowest price or a technologically advanced product. Ultimately, it’s often emotions that make the difference. Emotional connection holds significant importance, especially when the product or service itself doesn’t exhibit significant differences among various suppliers.
What is expected of us?
Customer experience is built over time; before, during, and after the purchase, through various touch points encompassing all direct and indirect interactions between the customer and the organization. A positive customer experience arises when the customer is acknowledged, listened to, and their situation is understood. Maintaining contact with the customer and promptly addressing their inquiries contributes to this positive experience.
A customer who feels heard and respected is likely to turn to a familiar company.
A customer who feels heard and respected is likely to turn to a familiar company. If cooperation goes smoothly and the purchasing process is made easy, customers might not even bother comparing alternatives. If a company does not invest in building customer experience, there are other players in the market who will.
How is good customer experience built?
Managing customer experience involves managing emotions and attitudes. We can’t control what others think or how they behave. We can only change the quality of interaction through our own behavior, helping others see and react differently.
Before shaping customer experience, understanding the current state is essential. In which situations does the customer contact the company? What kind of emotional experience is formed during these interactions? The key is customer feedback. Monitoring can also be done, for example, on social media.
Once we understand what needs improvement, targets should be selected. When it comes to customer experience, it’s wise to start enhancing the most meaningful interactions for the customer. The company’s employees play a crucial role in developing these interactions.
For progress to happen, employees must understand how and what needs to change. Change communication is necessary; it must be integrated into operational models, and if needed, the company should provide training. Without comprehension and a shared direction, progress won’t occur.
Once the development work is initiated, it needs to be monitored. Monitoring can utilize various surveys, such as the popular NPS (Net Promoter Score) survey today, which measures willingness to recommend. Customer interviews, feedback calls, or other digital tools offer opportunities to track progress.
When you find a way to help the customer move towards their goals, you will find a loyal customer by your side.
Customer first, always
Today’s customers possess a vast amount of knowledge, skill, and the ability to demand. Care about the client, cultivate understanding, and communicate. When you find a way to help the customer move towards their goals, you will find a loyal customer by your side.
Liisa Viitasara
Key Account Manager
Sources used for the blog post:
Björklund, T. & Laakso, M. 2019. Bringing the customer experience to the center of employee experience
Villani Isabella 2018. Transform Customer Experience. How to achieve customer success and create exceptional CX.
Fischer, M. & Vainio, S. 2014. Potkua palvelubisnekseen: Asiakaskokemus luodaan yhdessä.
Saarijärvi H. & Puustinen P. 2020. Strategiana asiakaskokemus.
Salonen Eveliina 2017. Intuitio ja tunteet johtamisen ytimessä.